Saturday, December 26, 2015

Side Note: Hexagon Quilt Update

So, a couple of months ago, I decided to start a hexagon quilt.  My first thought about hand sewing a hexagon quilt was that it would take too long to complete that it would wind up in that unfinished project pile.  But, I found that there is something very meditative about sewing these pieces together.  There is no deadline.  There is no pressure... and I love it.

Here's my update on this quilt.  Since October's post, I've been able to create 300+ hexagon basted shapes:

And, after deciding that I want to have a value quilt (i.e. light color that goes into darker shades), I started arranging the hexagon pieces into flower shapes to be sew together.

And, for the sewing... So far, I have about 50 heart flower shapes sewn together.  They are sewn into these shapes because it is so transportable this way and easy to group 7 hexagons together at a time.  When they are finally all put together as a quilt, there should be no sign of a flower shape, since I'm (for the most part) randomly placing fabric patterns together.

Until the next update...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow you have been busy and it looks just great so far, love the fabrics you have used!


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